Church of St. Dmitry in Patalenitsa
   Photo: Church of St.. Dimitri Patalenitsa

Church of St. Demetrios is located in the village of Patalenitsa in the western region of Pazardzhik, 15 km from the town of Pazardzhik.

There are different points of view regarding the establishment of this temple. Some researchers believe that the building was built in the late XII - early XIII century, others suggest that it was created in the 1090-1091 biennium. (evidenced by found here plate with an inscription in Greek).

According to legend, the church is well preserved to this day, because before the invasion of the Turks in the beginning of the XIV century, it was covered with earth. Over time, this place formed a hill and forgot about the temple. Near the middle of the XIX century, one farmer decided to dig grown on mounds of wild cherry. However, when he began to dig the ground with a shovel, he saw sticking out of the ground metal cross. Farmer recalled all known legend about the "buried" church. Under the direction of Peter Gagova old building were unearthed. Another legend has it that after a strong storm saw a shepherd on the hill torn from the land of big trees. At the spot where it stood, gaping hole. Farmers went down the rope and found hidden in the earth temple.

In 1870 the church was reconstructed and consecrated in honor of St. Dmitri, also known as a martyr Dmitry Priory.

The building, built of stone and brick, is the temple of the cross-dome type (space form a cross shape in the center of which is a low tower with dome) with a pentagonal apse. Dimensions Church - 9 meters in length and 7, 5 - wide. The facades of buildings are decorated with fine wide and two-stage high arched recesses. On the north side of the building in the center of these niches are small, narrow windows. On the roof of the temple is a dome, the base of which rests on the pillars inside the building.

The church was restored several times, finishing work. As a result, the flooring was replaced, in the north wall made by the window, it was also built a new porch. Gradually, the building acquired its present form.

Once the walls and ceiling of the temple were entirely covered with frescoes. Unfortunately, not all of them have survived to the present day. Today you can see about 70 scenes and figures, many of whom can be identified.

In 1956, the Church of St. Dmitry was officially declared a cultural monument of national importance.

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