   Photos: Dobruška

In the valley of the river Loučná a few kilometers from the city of Pardubice is Dobruška. The exact date of its foundation is unknown. Most likely, it was a few decades before 1318, when the first of the Dobruška written in historical documents. A little later the city was built a mighty fortress which for greater inaccessibility surrounded by a moat filled with water. In 1349, the temple was erected here, which later often rebuilt.

At the end of the XV century Dobruška was a part of the lands that belonged to the famous Czech family of Pernštejn. These lords responsible attitude to their property, expanding, strengthening, otstraivaya entrusted to them the city. When Pernštejn citizens prospered. Luck did not think to leave them, and then - in 1560, when the town was sold to the Czech king. Dobruška became a royal town with all the consequences of this situation privileges.

Numerous wars following centuries brought Dobruška grief and destruction. Wooden houses of local residents suffered from fires. Local authorities have been forced to completely change the look of the city. Now houses the townspeople were built not chaotic, and along the same line, forming a street. Barns and storerooms should raise to 10 yards from the premises. This has helped to significantly reduce the damage caused by the fires.

The central area of ​​the city, named after TG Masaryk, made in the form of a trapezoid. On its perimeter are placed at home, appeared in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Area and neighborhoods around it are considered a protected historic space.

The main temple of Dobruška is located in another part of town. This is the church of the Nativity of the Mother of God, made in the baroque tradition. On the river Loučná can see the building water mill, built in Neo-Renaissance style.

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