Mercury Fountain
   Photo: Fountain of Mercury

About the National Housing is one of the most interesting urban fountains, dedicated to Mercury. It was created from sandstone in 1727 is already familiar to us sculptors V. Render and F. Sattler. Masters gave the statue crowning the fountain, the Baroque features.

According to historians, the place for the installation of the fountain was chosen .  It already had a fountain with a statue of Mercury, but he did not like the image of honest citizens Roman god .  Naked deity installed in the center of the Czech town, whose residents adhered puritanical morals, was unacceptable .  F .  Sattler, who was invited to create a new fountain was able to cater to its customers, covering a little Mercury .  At the head of the god he has a helmet, and his legs are decorated with winged sandals, one of which was trying to remove a chubby angel .  In the hands of Mercury holding a wand entwined serpents, called the caduceus .  With this object in ancient Rome usually walked mouthpieces .  Eyes fixed on the stone of Mercury caduceus .  In 2007, Rod god someone prevented, as was abducted .  This was substantially damaged statue of Mercury .  Repairs cost the city a huge amount - 70 thousand kroons .  Rod has been restored, the statue repaired, and now there is nothing stopping to admire the beautiful fountain .

The water in the reservoir comes from the heads of dolphins, which are placed on a pedestal. They are conceived as sculptors are three mythical underground river. Therefore, water from the drinking fountain is not necessary, so as not to harm their health.

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