Gallery «G»
   Photo Gallery «G»

Olomouc - is a wonderful city in which art galleries almost as much and fountains. In other words, the art of love here, read, interested in the latest trends, try to keep abreast of new fashion trends. Every resident of the city can endlessly talk about favorite artists, to talk about the style of his writing, and if you really ask, then point you in the gallery, where his paintings are shown.

One of the most popular galleries is a strange name «G». It is located in a very advantageous location - on a small street connecting the two main areas of Olomouc: Gorni and Dolni. Exhibit space located in an old mansion, which has its own name: "The White Rose". This house once belonged to a wealthy townspeople, so has a rich interior decoration that perfectly accentuates the beauty of the exhibited works of art. The mansion was built in the Rococo style, but the decor rooms in the style of Gothic and Renaissance. Especially looks unusual wooden ceiling decorated with skilful frescos, which for several centuries.

Between 1966 and 1993 there was a local branch of the Museum of Fine Arts. Here demonstrated extensive collection of graphic works. In 1993, the house "The White Rose" was handed over to Creative association of masters of Olomouc. This alliance helps promote the art among the ordinary people, nothing to do with creativity. This organization is responsible for the organization of exhibitions in the gallery «G».

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