Nursery Shetland Pony
   Photo: Kennel Shetland Pony

Farm Malteni located in Birzgale (Ogre district) is known to all Latvia that there is a unique country in the nursery of Shetland ponies.

Shetland or the Shetland pony is a variety of breeds of horses ponies, which are bred in the Shetland Islands. The breed of the smallest one, but if correlate their dimensions and strength, it is one of the most powerful rock ponies. This kind of ponies already existed in prehistoric times. People have long appreciated their simplicity and high performance. Shetland ponies were domesticated more than 2500 years ago.

Shetland pony - an animal with a strong short legs, a concave back and belly droops. They have an elegant small head, but very thick mane. Pony tail is long and thick. But the male mane and tail are not as long and thick as in females. Usually the female bears one calf. He was born with spots.

Life expectancy in captivity about 10 years and up to 20 years free. In captivity, these ponies function as almost exclusively child driving trucks and horses. They can carry loads in excess of the load that can take an ordinary horse. Pony weighs about 120-150 kgs and the largest adult stallions can weigh up to 200 kilograms.

The farm Malteni you can see the ponies of various colors. Pony herd consists of 30 horses, among which are stallions, mares and young stock.

Sheltie different friendly disposition and natural playfulness. Even the stallion will not be able to hurt the child. All ponies - very kind and loyal friends. To ride on them can only children, because the horses bear the weight up to 40 kilograms.

Kids love it here. They are ready with great pleasure to ride on docile and humble animal that allows young riders to do with all that those will come to mind. Sheltie is very good for young riders were able to understand the basics of riding and learn to care for animals.

Farm Malteni, famous Shetland ponies - a unique place in Latvia. It is, of course, interested in children and their parents.

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