Adam's Peak
   Photo: Adam's Peak

Located in a picturesque area in the southern mountainous part of the island, the mountain fired the imagination of many for centuries. As soon as it is not called: Adam's Peak (place where Adam first set foot on the ground after he was expelled from Paradise), Sri Pada (Sacred trail left by the Buddha when he was going to heaven) or Samanalakande (mountain butterflies, where butterflies die). Some believe that the huge "footprint" on the top of the peak (2243 m) belongs to St. Thomas - Apostle of India, or Shiva.

Which would not believe the legends of the people, but this place was a center of pilgrimage for over 1000 years. King Parakramabahu and King Nissanka Malla of Polonnaruwa staged at Mount ambalamas (a place to rest weary pilgrims). In our time, the influx of pilgrims begins on the day of "Poya" in December and lasts until the holiday "Vesak" in May. The busiest period is in January and February. The rest of the temple on top is not used, and from May to October peak most of the time hidden under the clouds.

During the pilgrimage season a constant stream of pilgrims and tourists rises to the top of the countless stairs. They come from a small settlement in Dalhousie (del home), 33 km south-west from the city of Hatton. During the season the road is illuminated with lights that look very beautiful, like a snake that goes up the hill. You can also take a walk to the peak and off-season, but then you have to use a flashlight. Many pilgrims prefer to make a longer, much more tedious - but equally well-padded - a seven-hour climb from the Ratnapura on Carney, as this is considered to be more merit.

From the top of Adam's Peak, you can watch the sunrise, which just takes your breath away. As soon as the first rays of dawn light on the hill, eyes the breathtakingly beautiful view - red balloon appears in the distance, illuminating the top of the nearby mountains and rises above the clouds. Colombo is 65 km from the peak of Adam and it can be clearly seen on a clear day.

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