Central Siberian Botanical Garden
   Photo: Central Siberian Botanical Garden

Central Siberian Botanical Garden - this is one of the coziest natural corners in the Novosibirsk region and the largest botanical garden in the Asian part of the country.

The Botanical Garden was founded in 1946. In 1961 he was awarded the status of a research institute. Up until 1964 the botanical garden was located in the district of Novosibirsk Zaeltsovsky, occupying an area of ​​over 230 hectares. In 1964, for the Central Siberian Botanical Garden in the vicinity of Akademgorodok has allocated land in 1060 ha, which, according to the plan, expositions and collections of plants. Construction of the central laboratory building, technical, industrial and other premises ended in 1971, after which the entire staff of the botanical garden was moved to Akademgorodok. Official opening of the Botanical Garden took place in 1982

Siberian Botanical Garden annually presents its visitors a surprise in the form of regularly renewing exposures. Unique departments Botanical Garden in Novosibirsk are Parks, arboretum and systematicum, as well as collections of endangered plant species (medicinal and aromatic herbs, food and fine). Historical photographs, the largest herbarium of Russia, which has 550,000 kinds of sheets, semenoteka - all this and more attracts a huge number of people, including not only experts in botany, but also ordinary nature lovers.

Just a botanical garden, there are about 5 thousand. Various species of plants. Bright song "Rocky Garden," "Garden of continuous bloom," "Bonsai Park" and "Waltz of the Flowers" are striking in their beauty.

Central Siberian Botanical Garden in Novosibirsk is beautiful in any season and in any weather. In winter it turns into a great place for walks, during which you can admire the snow dome intricate Japanese bonsai trees and visit the orangery. Spring garden beckons with rare flowers, summer clean ponds with colorful fish, and in the autumn - golden alleys.

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