New York Aquarium
   Photo: New York Aquarium

New York Aquarium - the oldest continually operating aquarium USA. In October 2012, Hurricane "Sandy" much he hurt, but in May 2013 the attraction reopened in part.

At first, an aquarium located in Battery Park - it was built there in 1896. Then, the public showed a total of 150 instances of fish and animals. Subsequently, when the director of the institution has become a well-known zoologist Charles Haskins Townsend, the collection has increased significantly and has attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors annually. In 1957, the aquarium has moved to its present location - literally on the ocean beach of Coney Island.

It is a romantic location almost destroyed the aquarium, when the coast was hit by Hurricane "Sandy." Sea water rushed into the basements of buildings on six acres of the park, damaged power supply, resulting in the deaths of many fish. A small group of employees, who was then in the aquarium, was able to save the rest of the inhabitants. Cleaning and repair, which cost $ 6 million, lasted seven months and still not finished, but the park is now open to the public.

In particular, the reconstructed akvateatr the open air, where the impressive performances of California sea lions. These intelligent marine animals with obvious pleasure perform different stunts: crawl, dive, "are" playing with the ball, and the votes cast.

In the "Sea Cliff" devyanostometrovaya band simulates the northern coast of the Pacific Ocean - where visitors can admire Blackfeet penguins, seals, sea otters and walruses. Kids will love to watch the feeding of animals, turned into a kind of show: walruses suck herring from a huge "straws", penguins jump up the fish and otters play in the ball with the servants. Otters generally like such fun - pop them into the clutches of the food they do not eat at once, and for a long time sniffing, grab, move and have fun with it, like a toy.

In the "forbidden room" Visitors are surprised diversity of the underwater world: here you can see the inhabitants of the coral reefs, fish from African freshwater lakes and flooded forests of Brazil.

It is believed that the aquarium is fully opened in 2016, when will the construction of a new building with a tank volume of 500 thousand liters of sharks, sea turtles, stingrays and thousands of schooling fish. And while visitors to take less money for a ticket than before.

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