Naval Museum of the Northern Fleet
   Photo: Maritime Museum of the Northern Fleet

Located in the Murmansk Museum of Navy Northern Fleet is the famous Museum of Military History. The base of the museum took place in the autumn of October 16, 1946 with the support of the Federal State Institution of Arts and Culture and the Ministry of Defence. Before the day of opening of the museum has done tremendous work, which was launched in 1943. The funded work on the collection of material, as well as its processing took place under the strict supervision of FP Drachkova - First Lieutenant, who showed the initiative to and collecting all sorts of items to be stored in the new museum of the Northern Fleet, located at the former House of Officers.

The very first exposition presented to visitors, was the exhibition titled "Defense of the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", which opened in 1946. In the 60 years of its existence and continuous work of the leadership of the museum of Navy Northern Fleet and its employees have developed and produced about a hundred of traveling exhibitions that are visited all the naval garrison and many cities of our country, as well as in dozens of nations around the world, ships intended for fighting the Northern Fleet.

Active editorial and publishing work takes historians. For example, in 1956 the political management of the Northern Fleet, with the active assistance of the museum and activities, published a small booklet called "heroic and courageous deeds of the Northern Fleet in the battles for the Motherland." Over the years, data has been published about 150 titles in print, presented leaflets, brochures, books, guides, calendars and booklets.

For more than thirty years of activity of HMW Northern Fleet noted as the best in the register of the museum network in Russia, the Navy and the Armed Forces of Russia. At the moment, the Naval Museum of the Northern Fleet is in the House of officers of the city of Murmansk and is directly related to the military-historical profile. Employees of the museum not only collect, then carefully study and store a variety of naval monuments, such as naval flags, arms, medals, flags, medals, numerous documents, personal belongings and items of sailors who served during different years Northern Fleet, as well as items of military paraphernalia. In the museum you can see some models of submarines, surface ships and aircraft from different years.

The museum exposition covers a time period lasting from 1693 to the present day. In addition, the exhibition is eight spacious halls and tells about the topics: "The arrival of the naval forces in the northern part of Russia. 1693 - 1922 years "," Creation and development of the Northern Fleet. Years 1923-1941 "," The merits of the Northern Fleet in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 years "," The Northern Fleet - the defender of maritime borders of Russia. 1945 - today. "

Museum staff conducted a thorough gathering of materials that after editing are included in the exhibition. At the moment, the museum funds have more than 65 thousand exhibits.

Equally important in the work of the museum is given on excursion work. The staff there are numerous exciting excursions through the halls and expositions, which were presented in the museum on a variety of topics. Employees are involved in the creation of bus trips around Murmansk and Severomorsk, in a small village called Safronov, allowing the tourists to get acquainted with the memorable places of the region and the entire fleet.

In recent years, people's interest in the museum has increased significantly, for example, during 2006-2007, the museum exhibition was visited by 40 thousand people, among whom were not only soldiers of the Northern Fleet of the sea, but also the residents of the area and the city, as well as foreign tourists and foreign delegations States.

It should be noted that the Naval Museum has branches in the cities of Severomorsk and Severodvinsk.

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