Monument to victims of intervention
   Photo: The monument to the victims of intervention

Monument to victims of the intervention is located in Murmansk, on the central square called the Five Corners, which is one of the oldest in the city.

In the spring of March 6, 1918 in the city of Murmansk to the English ship called "Glory" was planted Marine infantry unit in the amount of 170 people. A day later, next to the city raid appeared cruiser "Cochran", referring to England, and the cruiser "Admiral On" from France. From that moment it became effective foreign intervention in the Russian North.

Monument to the Victims of the intervention was the first memorial monument in Murmansk, built on money collected by residents on a subscription to the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution - it can be said almost 11 years since the founding of the city .  Formation of the monument was conceived on a mass grave of the fallen in battle against the Whites participants in the uprising in the city of Murmansk, which occurred February 21, 1920 .  At the same place they were found dead prisoners, prisoners once in jail iokangskoy .  In the central part of the city there are 136 burial .  Their bodies were buried in a vacant lot, called Freedom Square, which at the time received its new name - the area of ​​intervention Victims (or revolution) .  Seven years later, it was decided to erect a memorial on a mass grave, which has become a famous writer while engineer Savchenko . AT .  The idea of ​​the author was to highlight the utilitarian part, provided a platform for the special guests of honor of the city and for guidance during the different kinds of celebrations or demonstrations .  According to the plan, it was supposed to be near a monument to Lenin, yet this plan and failed to bring to life .

The memorial was built by the hands of Murmansk builders of reinforced concrete, it took only two months. The decision of the monument was carried out in a constructive spirit, which gives the impression of elegance and lightness of the entire structure. In the fall of November 7, 1927 the whole town gathered at the opening ceremony of the memorial, which was lavishly decorated with slogans and banners, as well as a large number of flags. On the most elevated site bearers were equipped with red banners and a brass band. During the ceremony, residents heard fiery speeches that literally pierced the heart of Murmansk and called on the proletariat to be worthy and grateful memory of their comrades who fell heroically in the battle for the cause of all the people.

Throughout 1930 the perimeter of the monument was laid out park, with a sandy wasteland appeared two fountains, bright lawns, benches, as well as planting shrubs and flowers .  Judging from the size of the green zone, in the past it was much smaller than the existing at the moment .  In the northern part of the earlier was a large and surprisingly nice two-storey building, built of wood - a place for all sorts of Soviet institutions .  During World War II the Nazis completely destroyed the building, but after the war the whole territory in which it is housed, just join the zone of the park .  It is this park has become a favorite place for residents of Murmansk .  Throughout the year, you can meet a lot of people .  Especially this place is beautiful in the summer when the flowers are in bloom, the number and species of which just astonishingly varied . 

Today, a monument painted white, which significantly distinguishes it among the dark green background of foliage. Near the monument there are several rows of concrete pillars which are interconnected by chains, next to which bloom bright daisies, fully enclosing a commemorative memorial. In the central part of the pedestal, which is a support for the monument, there is made of stone block, on which there is a text dedicated to the victims of intervention.

In the past, a sublime memorial site could see much of the city. Today, because of the high-rise buildings a significant part of the review is closed.

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