Monument sister cities of Murmansk
   Photo: Monument sister cities of Murmansk

In the central part of the city of Murmansk, on the opposite side of the local history museum, it is a very original monument, which has a difficult fate. The memorial sign is put in honor of sister cities of Murmansk.

One of the characteristic signs of 60-80 years of the 20th century was a movement for the establishment of friendly relations between cities of different countries. During this time period was active World Federation of United Cities. In the Soviet Union at that time passed the rapid development of cooperation between the cities of the USSR and the small towns in other countries. This twinning meant as mutual aid and mutual support. Clearly, in this case, the partnership has always had a place to be, but still they were quite vague, although the visibility of international cooperation has always been the place to be. It is worth noting that the twin city provided the opportunity in different ways yet to visit foreign countries, though it was not accepted. Most often traveled abroad only chiefs, though in the delegation were engineers, doctors, workers, athletes and amateur artists.

For these reasons, the city of Murmansk actively sought to acquire the twin cities, especially in cooperation with the countries of Scandinavia. At this time, emerging forms of public communication of residents of the northern regions of Norway, Finland, Sweden and the Soviet Union, which was supported by the treaty of peace and mutual cooperation.

The first sister city of Murmansk became the Finnish city of Rovaniemi. Working with him was signed in 1962. In 1972, Murmansk, there were two twin - the Norwegian town of Tromso and the Swedish city of Lulea. In 1973, a sister and became the Norwegian town of Vadsø. After some time, friendly relations have been reached with the US city of Jacksonville, located in Florida. In 1989 he became a sister city and the Dutch city of Groningen. During 1993-1994, the friendly relations established between Murmansk and the Icelandic town of Akureyri and the Polish Szczecin.

In 1979, in Murmansk between Prospect Lenin and Karl Marx Street and Volodarsky it was opened a memorial sign in honor of the friendly relations of twin cities .  The author of the memorial monument was one of the architects of the institute "Murmanskgrazhdanproekt" called Degtyarev, because it is a project that was the best person in the art competition .  Construction of the monument took almost two years, while the residents of the city called the monument Cheburashka .  Monolith is a three-meter reinforced concrete foundation, which has been faced with using natural stone on which is fixed a pair of so-called "wings" made of concrete and span about 5 meters .  In place of the convergence of the "wings" is a perfect circle, which has the emblem FMCU .  It is a pair of connected rings, signifying the union .  Present key exactly represents the city, which is portrayed in this way heraldic science .  On the white blocks represented wings were mounted some letters were made of brass alloy and which were the names of the five sister cities, who were the first for the city of Murmansk . 

Himself memorial obelisk mounted on a large square flower bed, which in the warmer months are typical for this region unpretentious flowers. Some of the cozy park has spaces in the form of ash and paved using concrete slabs interspersed with fragments of colored stone sawn. The surrounding green area is shielded iron fence. In the summer here put benches, and a considerable number of people spend their holidays in this place. The monument gives the impression of a cozy place for the reason that is surrounded by tall trees and thus attracted the attention of all citizens.

In autumn 2000, the monument was disfigured - some vandals tore off his 58 letters made of colored metal. It was restored, and the monument was added a new sister city - Minsk.

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