Commemorative stela fallen heroes-Severomorsk
   Photo: Commemorative stela fallen heroes-Severomorsk

The memorial sign dedicated to the heroes of the Red Banner Northern Fleet, who died during the Great Patriotic War. The monument is located in Murmansk, near the administration of Leninsky district. It is the work of architect FS Taxis. A memorial sign was officially established October 13, 1974. This day was a holiday - the thirty-year anniversary of the defeat of fascist forces in the Arctic.

The monument symbolizes the warship. The ensemble is made up of granite rocks, the slope of the hill and tilted forward stele. Sopka overgrown trees. Stella made of sheet metal. The sheets are connected via riveted joints. In front of the obelisk mounted anchor hanging down. At the foot of the obelisk - step. The enclosure is made of metal chains, supported by artillery shells. The simplicity and brevity of the monument is in harmony with the general view of the city and reflects the inner essence of military heroism.

The Northern Fleet was founded in 1933 and is the youngest among the other fleets of the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War was the commander of the fleet, Rear Admiral AG Golovko. During the war, due to its location near the sea coast, Murmansk had a strategic importance for the country. Through Murmansk allies delivered military supplies. That is why the heroic feat of the Northern Fleet has made an invaluable contribution to the common cause - the Soviet victory over Nazi invaders.

Actions sailors were consistent with those of other departments. Many infantrymen, gunners and pilots also died in the name of light of the Victory Day. For example, the exploits of sailors were on land. Suffice it to mention the heroic defense of the peninsula Rybachy, which then was called "unsinkable aircraft carrier." Troops aircraft experienced difficulties because the air forces of the enemy outnumber and quality appliances. However, Air Force soldiers did not surrender and bravely defended the city. Under the command of a squadron pilot Boris Safonov, for 11 months, had been destroyed 39 German aircraft. From them he struck Safonov 25 aircraft, carrying 224 departure. At that time it was a record number. Boris Safonov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union and was awarded the "Gold Star".

During the most intense fighting in the direction of Murmansk Marines from the Northern Fleet landed in the area of ​​the flank and rear of the enemy to strengthen the positions of our troops. Landing part formed urgently volunteers from among the sailors and shooters as specialized amphibious units was not. In a short time, responded to the call of 12 thousand volunteers.

Most fishing trawlers and their crews from the first days of the war came to fight in the sea along with other members of the Navy. Armed with weapons and supplemented as they have made an invaluable contribution to the victory. Many of them died in battle, not returning from the Barents Sea. Speaking of their heroism, can not remember the names of such heroes as Captain Rank III Fedor seeing Lieutenant Commander Alexander Shabalin, Ivan Sivko and others.

In 1942, nine of combat submarine ships never returned from the battlefields. Severomortsev among 85 people awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, three of them were three times Hero of the Soviet Union. However, in our peacetime war remembered not so often. Only on holidays at the monument to those killed Severomorsk bring flowers.

At the moment a monument in need of restoration. It has long been in need of painting stele, and the whole monument fell into disrepair. Unfortunately, the trend of modern times do not contribute to preserving the memory of the tragic war of the last century.

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