Mansion Mani Bhavan
   Photo: Mansion Mani Bhavan

Mansion Mani Bhavan, located in a central district of Mumbai, is the place where Mahatma Gandhi stayed during his stay in the city. And it is this kind of building was the headquarters of spiritual leader of the movement for the liberation of India in 1917-1934, respectively.

The owner of the house was the family of Mani, namely Revashankar Dzhadzhevan Jhaveri - a great friend and ally of Gandhi. In 1955 the building was transferred to the ownership Smarak Nidhi Gandhi - Gandhi National Memorial Fund, as a historical and cultural monument.

This two-story building is the real pride of the city. After all, being in it, Mahatma Gandhi initiated the movement Satyagraha - nonviolent resistance, calling on the Indian people to abandon the purchase of British goods, and non-compliance with certain laws established by the British.

At the entrance to the Mani Bhavan a statue of Mahatma Gandhi, to which people often bring flowers as a sign of respect. On the ground floor is a large photo gallery, which contains a collection of photographs of the Indian leader since his early childhood, and ending with the last days of his life, as well as newspaper clippings about him with the materials. On the second floor is the master bedroom Gandhi, the interior of which was not at all changed. The room is fenced off from visitors by a glass partition. Right in front of his bedroom it is located hall, which offered heed photos and paintings depicting Gandhi at different times of his life. And at the end of the tour you can go to the terrace, where Mahatma Gandhi was arrested in 1932.

In 2010, Mani Bhavan visiting US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, becoming the first foreign visitor to the museum such a high rank in the last 50 years. Before him, a man was Martin Luther King. Administration of the museum expressed the hope that the visit of US President to attract the attention of people to the Mani Bhavan.

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