   Photo: Popocatepetl

Popocatepetl - active volcano in Mexico. Its name comes from two words in Nahuatl: asses - "smoking" and tepetl - "hill", that is, The smoking hill. It is the second highest peak in Mexico after Mount Orizaba (5675 m.).

Popocatepetl is located near the extinct volcano Iztaccihuatl. The names of these two mountains are the names of the heroes of the legend of Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl. The legend tells the story of two lovers, whom the gods have turned to the mountains. When the young man Popocatepetl fought in the war, evil tongues said his beloved Iztaccihuatl that he died. Then the young bride married another. But after learning that the groom returned from the war unharmed, she committed suicide, and behind it and returning warrior.

The Aztecs worshiped these mountains, believing that they bestow rain, year after year, bringing them their gifts.

Around the volcano are concentrated several large cities: the capital of the state of Puebla (on the east side of the volcano), Tlaxcala from north-east and north-west - Mexico City with a population of over 20 million people. The closest to the volcano is a small town of Cholula.

Total habitat Spaniards on the continent of El Popo, as the locals call it, made itself felt sixteen times, but the researchers say that in all his life he has erupted more than 30 times. Last Activity was recorded May 15, 2013. Some areas of Puebla literally covered with volcanic ash, was suspended the local airport. In the case of an imminent eruption evacuation is subject to 11 thousand people.

Despite their ability to live dangerously, El Popo attracts tourists with its majesty, unearthly scenery and enchanting legend.

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