Maikop Drama Theater named after Pushkin
   Photo: Maikop Drama Theater named after Pushkin

Maikop Drama Theater named after Pushkin is located in a building erected in 1901 for the Pushkin House of the People. Opening in Maikop Russian Drama Theatre in October 1936 show called "Death Squadron" Ukrainian writer Alexander Korneichuk Yevdokimovich. From the very beginning of its existence, drama theater existed as a Russian troupe composed of Adygei theater. Fully independent, he was only in 2000

The repertoire of the Russian State Drama Theater named after Pushkin is based not only on the Russian classical works, but also in the foreign ones, as well as works by contemporary authors. At various times it was set: "Late Love" and "His people - numbered" Ostrovsky, "Vassa Zheleznova" Gorky, "Jubilee. The Proposal "by Anton Chekhov," Boris Godunov "by Pushkin," Othello "by William Shakespeare," Intrigue and Love "Schiller," The Knight "Vladimir Konstantinov and Boris Ratzer," Suicide "N. Erdman" Trees die standing "A. Casona," Sirena and Victoria "Galin and many others.

Drama Theatre named after AS Pushkin each year go with a tour of villages and towns of the Republic of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory. In 2006, Maikop Drama Theater became the winner of regional festival called "Kuban theater," which was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet and Russian actor, theater director, educator and People's Artist of the USSR - Mikhail Alekseevich Kulikovskii.

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