Karnak Temple
   Photo: Karnak Temple

One of the most striking and majestic buildings of Ancient Egypt, preserved to this day, is the famous Karnak Temple. This temple is located on the right bank of the Nile, was built in honor of the Theban triad - Amun-Ra, his wife Mut and their son Khonsu. The decoration of the majestic temple was engaged in a well-known architect of ancient Egypt - Inonu.

Karnak temple erected for two millennia. Build and expand this sacred whole dynasty of pharaohs. Each of the Pharaohs tried to remake themselves for the temple, giving it more brilliance and richness to surpass the previous ruler.

Karnak temple - a huge temple complex, consisting of 33 churches and halls, which are more like a city than a single building. The total area of ​​the Temple of Karnak is more than 2 square meters. km, the main hall with a colonnade of its size is equal to the Vatican and St. Peter's Cathedral London St. Paul's Cathedral.

The most interesting church is the great temple of Amun-Ra. This large building was started Pharaoh Amenhotep III, who placed 12 columns of the main nave height of 23 m. To continue building the subsequent pharaohs, including the pharaohs Seti I and Ramses II. One of the main attractions of Karnak temple of Amun is an amazing hypostyle hall, with dimensions of 52 m deep and 103 meters wide. In the hall there are 144 columns, completely painted with colored reliefs.

Today Karnak temple is the largest religious complex in the world, the main state sanctuary of ancient Egypt, the main historical monuments of the country and the second most visited attraction after the famous pyramids of Giza.

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