St. Catherine's Cathedral
   Photo: St. Catherine's Cathedral

St. Catherine's Cathedral is a historical monument of architecture in Krasnodar. This is the main temple of the diocese Ekaterinograd and Kuban, it is considered one of the largest cathedrals in Russia.

First it was the church of St. Catherine, which was built in 1814 with the assistance of archpriest Cyril Rossinsky. For a long time the church was subordinate to the Cathedral of the Resurrection and is served for the clergy. Later, the church began to let parishioners, this was wound a separate state.

In 1888 there was a terrible accident - derailed royal train. Miraculously, none of the members of the tsar's family was not injured. Regarding this event, we decided to build a grand cathedral in Ekaterinograd who have had seven altars. In 1895 he began to collect funds to build a new church. Construction was started in 1900, but because of the constant shortage of money it is often stopped. Only fourteen years in 1914, the high altar of the Cathedral officially consecrated.

In 1934 the cathedral was used as a storage room. In Soviet times, the authorities have attempted to dismantle the temple on the building material. Since 1942, in the cathedral once again began to take life, even though there was a military warehouse. In 1985 took place the reconstruction of painting the cathedral were also put openwork forged gate in ancient style Ekaterinodar. At the moment, the cathedral fully working, here are held and public service of the liturgy.

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