Monument to love doggies
   Photo: Monument to love doggies

Monument to love a dog - this is an interesting and unique monument of its kind, it is a favorite with locals. The idea of ​​the novel by Vladimir Mayakovsky "Sobachkina life" of the people and the brutality humanization of animals became the inspiration for a sculptor Valery Pchelina and gave him the idea to create this unusual sculptures.

The great poet VV Mayakovsky made a brief visit to Krasnodar in 1926. And it so happened that it was here at the railway station, he was bitten by a stray dog. Poet surprised huge number of dogs on the streets, perhaps this was the reason for the birth of the famous phrase "It's not a dog's wilderness and Sobachkina capital! ". Since then, with the light hand of the poet, Krasnodar and received the status of "Sobachkina city" or "Sobachkina capital."

Inauguration of the monument, which became the new symbol of the city, took place in September 2007 during the celebration of the Day of the city of Krasnodar. As conceived by the sculptor couple of dogs dressed in human clothes, met on the first date on the corner of Peace and Red, a building with a clock and holding hands, continued to walk. The two lovers dogs - full citizens "Sobachkina capital."

The appearance of this unusual sculpture was made possible thanks to a new project for the improvement of the city of Krasnodar. This project, initiated by the city government architecture involves creating small sculptures for decoration of parks, boulevards and gardens beautiful Kuban capital.

The monument soon became a favorite place for photographing the lovers. It is believed that if you rub these doggies nose and paw, it will certainly bring happiness in love.

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