   Photo: Lepoglava

City Lepoglava at all times was considered the cradle of science, art and culture. It was first mentioned in 1399, a year later, Herman of Celje founded famous monastery of St. Paul. In 1582 the monastery was opened the first public high school in Croatia. In 1656 there begins the study of philosophy and theology, and later, in 1674, the school received the status of a higher educational institution.

Decree of Joseph II in 1786, the University was disbanded, teachers and expelled from the city. Culture and scientific life of the city slowly eroding. In 1854 the University was converted into a prison.

Of the attractions Lepoglava will be interesting to look at the Church of St. Mary. Its construction began in 1400 years, with the advent of in the city of scientists and monks. During the Turkish invasions the church repeatedly destroyed and then rebuilt. The last large-scale reconstruction of the church took place in the XVII century, it now looks like gothic baroque church. The interior of the church includes a carved wooden furniture, altars and frescoes in the Baroque style. The church organ was created by renowned master Pavel Ivanovich in 1737 and later rebuilt by Ivan Yanishekom of Celje.

Chapel of St. Ivan of Gorica was built in the XVII century, it was later rebuilt in the Baroque style and consecrated in honor of St. John. The walls of the chapel are decorated with paintings of the famous artist Ivan Ranzhera. Another chapel, painted with his brush, is the chapel of St. George, built in 1749. This work Ranzhera recognized as a masterpiece. Center of painting is the image of St. George spearing the dragon. Ranzhera Other murals in the chapel of St. George inspired by the images of Greek mythology, this includes an image of the goddess Flora and the celebration of life - motives that are not typical for the time Ranzhera. According to legend, in the chapel of the artist he wanted to be buried.

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