Obelisk Moscow Gate
   Photo: Obelisk Moscow Gate

Obelisk Moscow Gate is located in Kostroma, street May 1, on the embankment of the Volga. He seemed to meet all arriving guests on the river. Its front face of entry into the city was in 1823, when the Kostroma expected arrival of Emperor Alexander I.

The project of the obelisk was designed by the architect PI Kostroma Fursov, then a young graduate of the Academy of Arts. The project of the obelisk was his first job. Later, Fursov was built a lot of buildings of Kostroma.

The entrance to the city architect tried to draw as much as possible parade and solemn. The complex of buildings of the Moscow outpost includes two quadrangular obelisk topped by balls and gold double-headed eagles. The obelisk attach low wall with arched niches. For one of the walls to the north-west side is adjacent hut merchants Strigaleva, which is mentioned in documents dating from the year 1810 (other sources - commercial tent Tretyakov).

Currently, these buildings are rebuilt, obelisks have survived in their original form. In 1912, Moscow outpost was transformed by the project developed by the architect N. Gorlitsynym the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, to which were added to the obelisks are two single-storey brick building like a guardhouse. In one building there were shops in the other - beer Partnership "La Boheme." Kuren Strigaleva merchants, too, made of brick, was capitally rebuilt on top was built on the second floor, and its arched gallery that looked toward the city was founded, there were built new openings.

Today, the ensemble comprises two gates of the obelisk (the wedding they had been lost in 1993 to recreate the project LS Vasiliev), with a height of 9 m, standing on both sides of the street directions Dairy mountain and connected with cases wickets in a quadrant that protrude into the city.

Earlier this place was located across the river ferry. Here began the road to Yaroslavl and Moscow. Moscow Gate Complex designed the main entrance to Kostroma on the Volga from the ancient Nerekhta tract. It is here approached merchant ships. At the time I get to play the role of a customs post. By the mid-17th century, the city in economic terms has become the third most important city of Moscow Russia after Moscow and Yaroslavl. Kostroma merchants while trading with the West and the East. At this time there is a large shopping center with flour, meat, Kalashny, iron, icons, Fur, salt trade rows. Wide shopping street called Dairy mountain right down to the Volga. On two sides of her body were placed bread and kvass series. Then came rows of small flour. Closes shopping area obelisks Moscow outposts erected for the arrival of the king.

But time passed and the value of the Volga River as the main commercial artery of the country, decreased slightly. Moscow outpost ceased to play the role of "the city's main gate." In our time - this jewel of the city, an architectural monument of the Classical.

After passing through the gate, you can get to the ancient streets of the mountain dairy. If you climb up on it, then you can go to the monument to Ivan Susanin. Dairy mountain, as well as the embankment of the Volga - favorite vacation spot of the townspeople guests Kostroma, where guests can take a stroll and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Kostroma.

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