Velikoretskaya temple complex
   Photo: Velikoretskaya temple complex

Unique temple complex in the village of Kirov region Velikoretskoye decorates and is considered a sacred place of all Vyatka region. The story of an Orthodox church on the foundation of the Great River (later gave the name to the village - Velikoretskoye) starts with the phenomenon of miracle-working icon of St. Nicholas as a "wondrous signs" in 1383. Velikoretskaya icon eventually becomes a shrine of all the edges, and built on the holy land of the temple-city - a place of pilgrimage for Orthodox Christians, an ancient tradition beginning Velikoretsky godfather stroke.

"Velikoretskaya city" survived to our time a few temple buildings: Church of St. Nicholas (1822-1839 gg. Doudkin architect), Church of the Transfiguration (1739), Elijah Bell Tower (1860), the four-storey stone house for the school and the parable (19 century), Seating yard and shopping arcade (architect. Doudkin). At various times over the architectural ensemble worked best builders and talented architects I.D.Dyusar de Neuville, Goryntsevy, A.E.Timofeev, A.S.Andreev, I.T.Solovkin and V.M.Druzhinin.

Vyatskaya relic was returned to believers in the 1990s with the majestic ruins of the lost integrity of the architectural image. In 1999, over the holy sources and the font has been re-built chapel. From 2005 to the present day territory of the temple complex covers Nikola - Velikoretskaya Monastery, preserving, restoring and preserving the relics of the area. Every year on June 6 more than 15,000 pilgrims gather on the shores of the Great River for the divine liturgy revived the Cross travel.

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