Khabarovsk regional theater of drama and comedy
   Photo: Khabarovsk regional theater of drama and comedy

One of the cultural attractions of the city of Khabarovsk is Khabarovsk regional theater of drama and comedy.

In 1933 the local City Council decided to organize a stationary Drama Theatre. For this purpose it has been allocated clubhouse of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs. Equipment for the theatrical stage and technical departments were brought from Moscow. Place the first artistic director took AP Harlip, chief director F. Bocharov, while main artist M. Tsibarovsky. Grand opening of the theater took place in March 1946 with the play "Memorable Meetings" K. Utevsky. This performance was dedicated to the heroes who defended their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War.

The last reconstruction work in the theater took place in 1959-1961 gg. For once the auditorium of the theater can accommodate more than 500 people.

Regional theater of drama and comedy has experienced different creative periods. The heyday of the theater was in the mid 60s. the last century, and the tour, which took place in Moscow in 1965, brought considerable fame still young at that time the team. The theater has performed on the stage of the famous Maly Theater with performances V. Shavrina "Family Plakhova" Shakespeare "King Lear," Yanovsky "Rage" and A. SALYNSKY "Stones in the palm."

Now a new generation of actors are pleased to continue the tradition of the theater, in spite of all the problems that arise in the new time. The current repertoire of the Khabarovsk regional theater of drama and comedy is quite diverse: there are classic, modern comedy, including foreign authors. Today, the theater troupe working seven distinguished artists and three People's Artist of Russia. The theater season produces about 4-6 new productions.

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