Khabarovsk Arboretum
   Photo: Khabarovsk Arboretum

Khabarovsk arboretum - it is one of the natural attractions of Khabarovsk. The park is located almost in the center of the city, on the street Volochaevskaya. Arboretum was founded in October 1896, when a total area of ​​four hectares. In this part of the earth were laid, and the field of forest nursery. Then, an arboretum is a thick forest of elm, oak and other trees. In addition, there were planted the first planting of forest plants as Ussuri pear and pine grave.

Throughout its existence Khabarovsk Arboretum repeatedly changed their leaders, while experiencing periods of decline and the rise. In 1939, the park gained the status of forests in the Far East Research Institute. Since the 50-ies. last century organized work on acclimatization of some plants not suitable for this climate. It was then and there was a major collection of trees.

After some time, the arboretum was awarded the title of the natural monument of regional significance and today - a researcher, collector, cultural and educational center of not only the city, but the whole of the Khabarovsk Territory. In addition, located almost in the center of Khabarovsk forest belt carries and ecological function.

Collection of trees of the arboretum is considered a unique gene pool dendroflora. Currently, there are about 386 species of plants, which represent 102 families and 193 genera. There is among them a few exotic plants for the region. After going through the alleys of the arboretum, visitors can see the Chinese magnolia, Amur wild vines and many other vines, Zapletal slender trunks of fir trees and birches. Also at the park grows Mongolian oak, Amur cork, and Manchurian walnut.

Plants for the Khabarovsk arboretum gathered from all corners of the earth. The Arboretum has specimens from North America, the foothills of the Tien Shan and the Himalayas.

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