Mud volcano Dzhau Tepe
   Photos: Mud volcano Dzhau Tepe

On Kerch peninsula, near the village of Vulkanovka, ten kilometers south of the village of Lenin, next to the road Kerch - Theodosius can see Dzhau Tepe - a unique mud volcano. Dzhau Tepe with the Crimean Tatar dialect translates as "enemy: Mountain" (or "its dangerous mud flows"). Another alternative interpretation N.N.Klepinin name suggests - "dripping with mud."

For this area is characterized by steppe vegetation. The high hill (about 60 m) with steep slopes and ravines, crossing his foot, attracts attention. This mud volcano, famous Dzhau Tepe. Dirt, repeatedly poured from its top, obscures the hillside. To the south of the volcano can be seen with a significant source of hydrogen sulphide water inflow.

Mud products Dzhau Tepe very significant, their area is about 1, 5 square kilometers, volume - 55 million. Cubic meters. Mud volcano is located on the dome Vulkanovskoy anticline, which is located almost in the horizontal direction.

Close Hill appeared in the 17th century, according to P . FROM . Pallas, after another eruption .  Nestled on a hillside settlement was completely destroyed by the mud flow, going from the top .  In the 19th century Dzhau Tepe "slept" .  Violent activity began in the first decades of the 20th century, was a series of violent eruptions .  So, in February 1909 on top of the volcano formed a large crack .  A month later it erupted, which was watched P . A . Dvoychenko .  According to his description, the "first swelled up on top of seven feet, and then she went down a few fathoms below its normal position as a result of any crack, and then broke through the outer shaft, and mud flow (5 yards in width) slowly crept down the slope .  The next day there was liquid mud fetid, originated the flow length of 160 yards, width - 20-30 and a thickness of 1 to 3 yards .  During the third day of slowly flowing thick mud weight, but soon she stopped .  8 million .  pounds was the weight of all the mud flow " .

Dzhau Tepe entire second half of the 20th century has been inactive volcano. The mud from the hills gradually began eroding, Buret, it cracks. The content of this mud is rich in sandstone, limestone and calcite crystals.

In the depths of Kerch Peninsula lie Maikop clays. Oil and gas of clay caused numerous eruptions Dzhau Tepe.

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