Temple Dzёti-ji
   Photo-ji Temple Dzёti

Patrons of the past, present and future live in the temple Dzёti-ji (formal name Kinpodzan Dzёti-ji). They considered the Buddhas shakai, Miroku and Amida Nyorai. Their statues are the main shrines of the temple and stored in its main hall Dongeden. Sculptures were made in the XIV-XV centuries and is a cultural property of Japan.

Temple Dzёti-ji was founded in 1283 representatives of the Hojo clan, which from 1204 to 1333 in fact ruled the country, consisting of young regent for the shogun. Founded temple grieving parents Munemasa Morotoki Hojo and to pray to him for the soul of his dead son.

Once there was a great Buddhist temple complex, has many buildings and small temples. In Dzёti-ji resided 500 monks, and the ceremony took place in the eleven halls. Dzёti-ji Temple was one of the "Five Mountains" Kamakura or five influential temples that financed by the state. To date, only part of the preserved buildings of the temple complex, most were destroyed during the 1923 Kanto earthquake. Now the area of ​​the temple complex is about 4 thousand square meters. meters, on which the shrines and places of interest.

In Dzёti-ji temple gate has a unique design that is not repeated anywhere else. The design combines ritual themselves the gates and the bell tower with a bell cast in 1340. The roof of the bell is decorated with the coat of arms Hojo.

Behind the main building is a cemetery with the graves of numerous cave, as well as a statue of the god of good luck Hotei. Many generations of Japanese tourists, and really wanted to get his blessing and so some of the stone sculptures - the stomach and the left lobe of the ear - were erased with their hands.

From the temple originates mountain path that leads to the temple of Kotoku-in, the territory of which the bronze statue of the Great Buddha.

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