National Museum Indonesia
   Photo: National Museum of Indonesia

National Museum Indonesia is located in Central Jakarta, Merdeka Square. The National Museum of Indonesia, you can see the archaeological, historical, ethnological collection, and learn many interesting facts about Indonesia, and geography.

The museum building is also called "elephant house" due to the fact that the entrance to the museum is a bronze statue of an elephant. This statue was donated by Chulalongkorn, King of Siam in 1871. In addition, it is also called "The House of sculptures" because the museum has a large collection of statues from different eras.

Broadest museum collection includes many exhibits brought from all over Indonesia. The history of the museum begins in 1778, when the band formed a Royal Dutch community arts and science Batavia. This institution was a private organization, the purpose of which was to promote scientific research in the field of fine arts and natural sciences, especially in the fields of history, archeology, ethnography, and physics, as well as the publication of the data.

One of the organizers of the Institute, a Dutch botanist Jacob Radermacher, donated to the organization of the building and the collection of cultural objects and books, which had a great value, and which began the museum and library. Gradually the collection grew in the early XIX century, new buildings were constructed.

In 1862, the Government of the Netherlands East Indies, decided to build a new museum. Officially, the museum was opened in 1868. In 1931 the museum collection was exhibited at the World Cultural Exhibition in Paris. However, the exhibition was a fire, and the pavilion of the Dutch East Indies, has been destroyed, as well as most of the exhibits. The museum received the payment, and for several years, purchased exhibits to fill the collection again. In 2007, it opened a new building of the museum, which houses artifacts from prehistoric times to the present day.

The National Museum has a rich collection and is considered one of the best in Indonesia and South Asia. The museum's collection includes about 62,000 artifacts, including anthropological exhibits and 5,000 archaeological artifacts from all over Indonesia and Asia.

The museum is divided into two parts: the old wing - the elephant house, and a new wing - House statues. In the House of the elephant you can see a collection of Indo-Buddhist stone sculptures, as well as sculptures of ancient Indonesia. In the House of the elephant has a treasure trove that contains archaeological and ethnographic collections, lounge with a collection of historical relics and ceramics, textiles and coins. The new building of the museum, the House of sculptures composed of seven floors. On four of them, a permanent exhibition, and the other three is the administration of the museum. One of the largest exhibits of the museum is considered to be a statue of the Buddha, whose height reaches 4 meters.

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