Museum of entertaining science "Eksperimentary"
   Photo: Museum of entertaining science "Eksperimentary"

Museum of entertaining science "Eksperimentary" - one of the few museums of this kind in Russia. This unique museum is located in the Irkutsk Academgorodok on Lermontov Street.

The opening of offices held in 2008 at the Irkutsk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the dissemination of science among the public. The idea of ​​the museum's foundation dates back to the end of the 1990s. Please entertaining science museum housed in the Irkutsk energy college, and after - in the Astronomical Observatory of Irkutsk State University. After a while the Irkutsk Scientific Center of the scientists gave the room that Lermontov Street.

The name of the museum "Eksperimentary" speaks for itself - it is a place where various experiments. The museum presents unique exhibits, which you can not only watch but also to touch and participate in their research and conduct an experiment. In such an accessible and interesting way visitors get acquainted with the natural phenomena and complex physical processes.

Almost all of the devices located in the museum were collected by human hands. They show natural processes, unusual physical effects, interesting features of human perception. For example, the museum has a device that demonstrates that the human body is able to conduct electricity. Visitors at a time may even offer to become the "battery". It is also possible to work at the facility, which demonstrates the sound waves or create a man-made earthquake seismograph through donated by the Institute of the Earth's crust, lock strikes and make a graph of the amplitude of oscillation.

In addition, the museum offers visitors the opportunity to see a real fear and the lie detector, Jacob's ladder, a chair with nails, water tornado generator Tesla, and many other very interesting and unusual exhibits.

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