Church of Our Saviour the Image
   Photo: Church of Our Saviour the Image

Church of the Savior in the cities Irkutsk - Orthodox church is located in the historic center of the street Sukhbaatar Bator, in the Irkutsk Kremlin. The church is one of the first stone buildings of Irkutsk.

Unfortunately, the first wooden Spassky temple has not survived to the present day. It was erected in 1672 near the center of Irkutsk Kremlin. In August 1716 the church burned down. Modern stone church of Our Saviour the Image was founded in 1706 The main building was erected in 1710 With regard to the bell tower and spire, they appeared in the 50's - early 60-ies.

Irkutsk is the only Savior Church in Siberia, on the outer walls where you can see paintings (first half of the XIX century.). In the 70-ies. XX century. exterior painting was restored, and the interior have been lost because they do not yield to reconstruction. On the east facade of the church has three multi-figure compositions. The central composition shows the story of Christ's baptism in the Jordan River, the left - says about baptism, most likely the local Buryat population and on the right of the composition shows a group of persons who were present at the ceremony of initiation to the saints. On the south wall of the church depicted saints, in whose honor a temple was dedicated and its chapels. Just under the eaves of the quadrangle can see Nicholas of Myra, and below - St. Mitrophan Voronezh.

In 1931 the church was closed. At various times it was used as a shoe repair shop, a communal apartment and offices of various organizations. In 1960, to raise the issue of the demolition of the temple. But instead of to demolish the church, the architect G. Oranskaya from Moscow started for its reconstruction. In the same year the temple received the status of a monument of national importance.

In 1982, the church was opened to visitors as the exhibition department of the Irkutsk regional museum. In 2006, on the eve of its 300th anniversary, the temple began another renovation. Last reconstruction of the Church of Our Saviour the Image was conducted in 2010

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