Great Choral Synagogue
   Photo: Great Choral Synagogue

Great Choral Synagogue of Grodno rebuilt several times and burned several times. The present building of the synagogue rebuilt in the years 1902-105 Ilya Frunkinym.

The first wooden synagogue was built on this place in the XVI century. The first stone synagogue was built Rabbi Mordechai Yaffe in the 1575-1580 years. The design of this magnificent building was made by the Italian architect Santi Gucci.

In 1617, a terrible fire broke out in the fire died valuable creation of architecture. Soon after permission was granted Polish King Sigismund II in the construction of a new stone of the synagogue, which turned out better former. May 29, 1885 a fire destroyed almost the entire Jewish quarter. Along with the burned Jewish homes and a synagogue. It remained more or less damaged by fire only shrine. The synagogue was rebuilt.

Great Choral Synagogue was closed after the arrival of Soviet power in 1940. During World War II the Nazis used it to gather the Jews of Grodno ghetto before being sent on executions and torture.

In 1991, the building was given to the Jewish community. From that moment began restoration work. Much is being done by the members of the community on their own, but the restoration of the vast architectural complex is not enough money and manpower. A large contribution to the restoration of the synagogue did Australian Avi Salver, whose father once lived in Grodno.

Despite the ongoing repair and financial difficulties, the Jewish community is going to synagogue. There are prayers and celebrations. Already an exposition of Grodno Jewish Museum.

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