Reserve Someshvara
   Photo: Reserve Someshvara

India has a large variety of flora and fauna and its beautiful landscapes have hundreds of years to engage the attention of people from around the world .  Therefore, the Indian government is making every effort to preserve this wealth, creating reserves, national parks and protected zones .  One of these places is Someshvara Reserve, which is located in the southern part of the country, in the Western Ghats .  Though its area is quite small - just a little more than 88 square kilometers that are covered mostly evergreens, its species diversity affects .  The reserve is home to a huge number of animals, such as the common langur, leopard, wild dog, sambar, jackal, Axis, tiger and other .  Of reptiles there sometimes there can be seen a monitor lizard, python and sacred to Hindus king cobra .  Lovers of birds in the reserve, too, there is something to admire - Someshvara is home to such interesting species like Malabar trogon and Ceylon Bilonog (nightjar or lyagushkorot) .

Also at the park is worth a visit and a wonderful waterfall Onakabbi Agumbe top, which offers a stunning view of the park.

On the territory of Someshvara located thirteen villages, whose residents mainly work in factories for the production of cashew nuts and rice mills, located not far from the reserve.

The most successful period to visit Someshvare - from October to April. Although the reserve is fairly easy to reach both from the city of Bangalore and Mangalore with, as in the region is very well developed transport network, it is still quite isolated, and his visits are not so many tourists.

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