Architectural-Ethnographic Complex "Etar"
   Photo: Architectural-Ethnographic Complex "Etar"

"Etara" - an architectural and historical museum complex, located 9 km from Gabrovo. It is located directly under the open sky. The purpose of the museum - to make the guests of the complex a complete picture of the daily life, culture, crafts and architecture of Gabrovo and the region as a whole in the period from the XVIII to the XIX century. "Etara" - the first museum complex of such a plan in Bulgaria, it was opened in 1964. Three years later, he became a national park, and in 1971 the newspaper "State Gazette" in its №101 announced a cultural monument.

Author of the idea and the project - Lazar donk under whose direction the museum began to form in 1963. The complex first restored an existing water mill, and then began to engage in the construction of other facilities. In general, the museum replenished mainly in three ways: restoration of objects on the ground, moving structures without any changes, copy the original object.

The museum brings together 50 vintage objects. Among them are various water facilities and homes in which there are craft workshops. It was here collected 10 objects, mechanisms which are driven by water. This collection - among the richest and most technically perfectly organized exhibits of its kind open-air museum in Europe. The museum staff managed to maintain an authentic principle of the device and of all the mechanisms (mills, Sharpening and smectite), which is the main feature of the museum "Etar". Due to this complex became a symbol of the waterwheel.

In the ethnographic village "Etara", the street traders and artisans, located copies of 16 houses that once existed in Gabrovo and the surrounding area. Here you can observe the work of these artisans and know how in the last century, made pottery, a variety of dishes, bot for livestock, as well as how to make skins and furs, and more. Visitors, after meeting with the subtleties of crafts can be seen by them to purchase the created product. The complex also receives applications for training traditional Bulgarian crafts.

The museum complex during religious festivals are held presentation of old customs.

The complex is a hotel and restaurant, which serves traditional cuisine of the area, prepared according to ancient Bulgarian recipes.

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