Chapel of Bones
   Photo: Chapel of Bones

Shower drained Chapel (Chapel of Bones) is considered one of the most famous monuments in the city of Evora. This small size is a chapel near the entrance to the Church of San Francisco.

The name of the chapel was due to the fact that the inner walls lined with human bones and skulls. It has been estimated the approximate number of skeletons are stored Franciscan monks - about five thousand. Some turtles written the date of death.

Shower drained Chapel was built in the XVI century Franciscan monk who wanted to show that life on earth - this is just a temporary phenomenon. At the entrance to the chapel visitors see an inscription in Latin, which means "Our bones are waiting for your bones."

The space inside the chapel is divided into three flights, height - 18, 7 meters, width - 11 meters. The light in the chapel comes through three small holes that are located on the left wall. The walls and columns are covered eight patterns of bones and skulls, fastened with cement mortar. The ceiling in the chapel house, painted white and decorated with frescoes on the theme of death. Complement grim picture two dried corpses of women and children, are hanging on a chain. On the roof of the chapel also has an inscription that says "The day of death than the day of birth", taken from the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 7. Inside the chapel in the old wooden frame on one of the columns hangs a poem about how you need to think about is my existence. The authorship of this poem attributed to the parish priest of San Pedro village.

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