Dolphinarium "Nemo"
   Photo: Dolphinarium "Nemo"

Dolphinarium "Nemo" in Donetsk was opened in December 2009. It is part of the famous cultural and recreational centers, and national complex "Nemo", and is the fourth in Ukraine. Named in honor of the dolphin first dolphin, who was born in Ukraine under the watchful supervision of specialists dolphinarium. Dolphinarium is located in one of the most picturesque corners of the city - Park Shcherbakova.

Dolphinarium "Nemo" in Donetsk is not only the dolphinarium and oceanarium. Once in the foyer of the complex, visitors can through a special window just watch these beautiful marine mammals, as well as exotic fish, exotic reptiles and amphibians, came here from different parts of our planet. This dolphins inhabit the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins, sea seals and a large South American Patagonian sea lion.

Dolphinarium in Donetsk allows its visitors to learn more about the physiology and life of marine animals, the peculiarities of their behavior, need to learn to take good care with wildlife.

Dolphinarium provides additional services. For example, diving and swimming with dolphins, which is held in the pool. This program is specifically arranged so that you feel is not just close to the dolphins, but as their coach. Also, you can get double the pleasure, having made a diving with dolphins. You do not just dive into the water with professional equipment, but also to chat with the dolphins under water. Dolphin - is a unique, non-traditional method of psychotherapy, in the center of the therapeutic process which is communicating dolphins and humans.

The dolphinarium is possible to organize children's parties and various celebrations.

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