Dilijan Reserve
   Photo: Dilijan Reserve

Dilijan Reserve, located in the north-eastern part of Armenia - is a national park and one of the main natural attractions of the city of Dilijan.

In 1937, on the basis of Dilijan and forestry Kuibyshev it was founded timber industry, which in 1958 was transformed into the State Reserve where protected the most interesting and valuable mountain forest landscapes of the country. The main objects of the protection of the reserve - oak and beech forests with all kinds of plants and animals, as well as rare and interesting plant communities of the Caucasus. The main varieties of trees are beech, elm, linden, pine, ash, and arborvitae, various kinds of wild rose, honeysuckle and maple.

Northern Armenia, including Dilijan Reserve are very rich in relict species of flora. Some of them have survived since the Tertiary period, and some remained with the Ice Age. Within the reserve, along the river Getik are the biggest in Transcaucasia yew trees.

In Dilijan reserve grow endangered and very rare plant species, such as cuckoo tears, Kozo-Polyansky thoroughwax, epipogium aphyllum, cyanosis blue, brilliant muscari, galotis piliferous and so on. Prominent representatives of the animal world are the Caucasian subspecies of deer, sika deer, roe deer, brown bear, Persian squirrel and marten. Total in the reserve recorded about 120 species of birds, the most valuable and rare among them: chukar, Caucasian black grouse, griffon vulture, golden eagle, black vulture and ular.

The reserve is very rich in surface waters. Almost all major gorges and ravines flowing small streams that flow into the main water artery of the national park - River Aghstev. Furthermore, the reserve has many mineral sources.

The main natural attractions are the picturesque Dilijan reserve Agartsinskoe Gorge and Lake Parz, an area of ​​about 2 hectares, and from the architectural attractions - monastery complexes Matosavank, Haghartsin, Goshavank and Dzhuhtakvank.

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