Haramiyska Cave
   Photo: Cave Haramiyska

Haramiyska cave is located in the Trigrad Rhodope Mountains, close to the famous Devil's Throat cave. Here is an opportunity to do extreme tourism, which allows to visit the cave with unimproved pit.

Before the entrance to the cave from the parking Haramiyska at the Devil's Throat on a footpath which runs through the pine forest can be reached in 10 minutes. In this cave two inputs, ie, two holes in the mountain, between which lies the abyss. Log in here is not so simple: the tourist will have to climb the 20-meter cliff. There is an upward sloping portion along it for the safety of the visitors secured a metal cable.

In Haramiyska cave were found traces of the life of primitive people. Currently, in the places where they have found they are stuffed, which are disposed in the input portion, illuminated by sunlight. Inside the cave there is no electricity, and every tourist should have their own flashlight, and protective clothing.

The space of the cave is divided into several small areas. In one of the rooms you can only get on all fours, as the gap is very narrow. Next is the most interesting and impressive part of the dungeon - the descent into the abyss of the depth of 43 m to a large audience. The bottom of the hall is covered with blocks of stone, in addition, it is illuminated by natural means from the second entrance to the cave (it can be considered output). To acquainted with the cave was safe, this area should be overcome only on the instructions of the instructor and with the appropriate equipment.

From the exit to the parking lot at the Devil's Throat cave lies another trail, with its stunning panoramic views of the Rhodope Mountains.

Travel to Haramiyska cave - a real opportunity to experience the really bright emotions. Driving on it is permitted only with certain gear and climbing or Speleological techniques.

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