Devil's Throat Cave
   Photo: The Devil's Throat Cave

Devil's Throat Cave is located in the Western Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria. Near the cave is Trigrad and 17 km g.Devin. Tourists are attracted to the Devil's Throat cave formation of the majestic beauty of this cave there, and the mystery and the extremity of these places.

Since ancient times, the Devil's Throat excites the imagination of people. The cave entrance, which resembles the head of a devil with a beating from the throat raging waterfall evokes fear in the people and at the same time draws its uncertainty. According to legend, it is through the Devil's Throat singer Orpheus entered the underground kingdom of Hades in search of Eurydice.

Water Trigradska rivers flow into the throat of the cave from a height of 42 m. It is the largest waterfall on the Balkan Peninsula. One of the halls of the cave, where the deafening roar of falling water fills the sound space, called the Roaring. It is the second biggest cave hall in Bulgaria. Near the entrance is 400 meters, the cave river water Triganskoy hiding in a huge 150-meter siphon, where the 60-meter gallery river flows out of the ground to the surface.

Curiosity and imagination kindles even the fact that nothing of what gets into the water in the cave Devil's Throat, appears on the surface. Inquisitive visitors cave spent a huge amount of experiments, including paint. These observations give reason to speculate about the size of the local underwater rivers.

The route for tourists originates from artificial gallery that leads to the roaring hall. The entire route is equipped with stairs and parapets. Also hitting the bustling roar of the water, on the road can be seen carved into the rock reliefs. The first one shows a devil head - the entrance to the cave, the second - the ancient person in Howling Hall. The output can be seen carved on a small spring with a figure of the Virgin altarpiece.

For lovers of more extreme cavers exploring a local club organizes descents into the cave in the boat.

Most hospitable Rhodope Mountains in the late spring and summer. This is the best time to visit the cave Devil's Throat. The cave entrance is permitted only with a guide.

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