   Photo: Buinovo

Buinovo - longest in Bulgaria, it is located between two villages - Teshel and Jagodina. Since 1971, the gorge is among the hundred national turobektov country.

Education Gorge due to the ravages of Buinovska rivers over time it crashed into the layers of marble and created, so impressive in size natural phenomenon.

The cliffs that surround Buinovska river, reaching a height of several hundred meters, and their most narrow part is called "Wolf jump." As the locals say, in the winter it is popping out wolves, hunting for livestock. However, this is nothing more than a legend, because in these places, the gorge is too narrow, so bluffs virtually connected to each other.

On the whole territory of the gorge perfectly developed Karst - 36 caves found near Jagodina, famous of which is The Yagodina Cave, developed and adapted for tourist routes. In addition to fame, the cave is different length, which is 8, 5 kilometers - in the Rhodopes it beats all records on this indicator. For tourists, the route is available for a maximum of one and a half kilometers.

Next to the cave is located Jagodina Sanchova Dupka which conceals under its arches, sinter lakes filled with cave pearls. To visit this beautiful cave will be possible only with an experienced guide and in the presence of a professional outfit.

In addition to the caves, the water, changed the face of the marble rocks, created a real bridge, near which is another natural attraction - the Falls Pryskaloto.

Go to Buinovo can walk, but you can use the car - to the base of the cliffs an asphalt road.

It is interesting that now the beauty Buinovo accessible and from a height of bird flight, because the local travel company sold one of its creative ideas. On a steep slope, at an altitude of 1563 meters on top of Mount St. Elias was built metal platform, named "Eagle Eye." It offers a wonderful view on the entire array of the Rhodope Mountains, as well as other mountain peaks in Bulgaria. From the heights of "Eagle Eye" can see even a small part of Greece.

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