   Photo: Lake Vrana

Lake Vrana - the largest freshwater lake on the island of Cres, part of the natural park. In Croatia, it is the third largest and the sixth area of ​​a natural water body. Lake origin of depression, at the deepest point - 61.5 meters below sea level.

Importance Vranskojezero hard to overestimate: it is a huge natural reservoir of fresh water and nourishes not only the island of Cres and the neighboring Losinj. The water is so clean Vranskojezero that before you get into the water, it is not subjected to filtration and sanitation. On the shores of the lake it is prohibited to graze livestock, use of fertilizer and other chemicals, to arrange camping and leave litter.

Lake Vrana is a unique place and a haven for birdwatchers. The lake and its surroundings in 1999 was declared a national natural park. There were registered 249 species of waterbirds, more than a hundred nest in the area of ​​the park, of which 4 species are endangered in Europe, and 7 - Croatia. The lake is one of the last nesting Purple Heron, large and small white herons, pygmy cormorant. Flock wintered here more than a hundred thousand waterbirds. The reserve was included in the 1983 list of key European Bird Areas. In Vranskojezero pike, carp, tench and even acne.

In the old days the lake was called bucket Blato. Historical and cultural findings in this area date back to 2 thousand. BC Nature Park Lake Vrana is still hides a large number of secrets and is a source of constant discoveries. In the world only a few areas that combine such diverse environments and landscapes: the coast and the archipelago, Mediterranean swamp with its unique landscapes and ecosystems and rural idyllic views Ravni Kothari over the hill.

From this place linked to many legends, mostly terrible, about the creatures living in the water and the caves nearby. The story of the origin of the lake says that in his place before the field was owned by two sisters Gavanki. One of them, greedy and avaricious, decided to take possession of the land alone and extremely cruel came from a poor sister. For this heaven sent punishment - an earthquake and floods. And the local people still believe that the bottom of the lake are the remains of a ruined castle, and before the storm to hear the bells ringing from the depths.

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