Tower Martinsturm
   Photo: Tower Martinsturm

For tourists wanting to see the sights of Bregenz, the most informative place to explore is the Upper Town. Here, in the historic part of the city there are numerous interesting sights, the first buildings date back to the 11th century.

Converted Martinsturm tower with a beautiful wooden dome that is visible from any part of the city, is the main symbol of Bregenz. It is known that a rectangular tower was built in the 14th century on an existing ancient foundation. Martinsturm rises over the streets and squares of the city. Its present appearance of the tower acquired in 1602, a baroque vault was completed later. The architecture of the tower Martinstrum was influenced by Moorish style, as evidenced by the window in a Venetian style and facades, executed in muted tones.

On the ground floor of the tower is Martinsturm Chapel of St. Martin, which was used in the decoration of frescoes in the Gothic style, started in the 14th century. Currently, 30 frescoes preserved. Here, on the first floor, you can see the image of Christ, the statue of St. Martin, a figure of the Madonna and Child, as well as portraits of family Monfort - customers chapel. The chapel is a very popular venue for weddings and baptisms. Inside the chapel unique acoustics.

On the upper floors of the tower is a small museum of weapons, which contains quite an extensive collection of ancient weapons, uniforms and various historical documents. The museum is open to visitors. The tower has a viewing platform, you can enjoy the panorama of the city of Bregenz and the beautiful lake.

Martinsturm Tower is one of the most visited attractions in the city.

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