Church of the Holy Virgin
   Photo: Church of the Holy Virgin

Old Believer Church of the Intercession, or house of worship Borisov Pomeranian Old Believer community consent - an old wooden church, built in the XVIII century.

Old Believers or bespopovtsy - Orthodox Christians, not supported the Nikonian reforms, for which they were called schismatics. Since dissenters at all times waged an uncompromising struggle against the tsarist authorities, because the statute of the Old Believers not allow them to recognize no authority other than the authority of God.

As it has always been the envy of the wealth of the Old Believers. These people are serious, hard-working, able to earn their own labor, and accumulated a large fortune. In addition, they are always kept closed community and always help each other. Church services are conducted they are not as accustomed to the Orthodox Church. Knowledge, like old times, passed from mouth to mouth, and the head of the community elected the most wise, pious and respectable men.

In Borisov dissenters fled from Tsarist persecution when Borisov was still in the territory of the Commonwealth. Here, the community settled and obzhilas. Even the repression of the Communists, who dreamed of an atheistic society, did not make the Old Believers leave his hometown. In times of adversity, when houses of worship were closed, services were held in homes of parishioners.

After the end of the atheist regime in 1989, the city authorities Borisova donated the community of Old Believers wooden old church built in the XVIII century, where the Old Believers have organized a prayer house. The church has been renovated with his own hands in the community, as it should be according to the ordinance. The territory of the temple lovingly undeveloped. Everything here breathes peace, tranquility and comfort.

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