Ming Tombs
   Photo: Ming Tombs

Ming Tombs - is a mausoleum complex, which is listed by UNESCO objects of protection. It is located about Tyanshou slope, south-west, about 50 kilometers away from Beijing.

In Chinese, the name sounds tombs "Shisanlin", which literally translates as "Thirteen Tombs". The complex is separated from the memorials eyes of outsiders by high walls. Total area mausoleum complex - 40 square meters. kilometers. Each crypt resembles burial mound, which is located next to the tower and fence. The tombs are underground, and mimic a palace, or a part of the palace chambers.

For the first time the tombs were found by archaeologists in 1956. They unearthed a burial place Shentszuna, emperor, known as the Wanli. His tomb is called Dinlin and it is hidden under a mound. It has 5 rooms with a total area of ​​about 1195 square meters. meters. In the great hall used to be the sarcophagi of the emperor and his wife, but at the moment there are wooden counterparts.

The largest tomb in the complex belongs to the emperor Yongle. In 1413 there was buried the wife of the emperor, and after 11 years of him. Place of burial is enclosed by walls, each wall of a length of about a kilometer. The complex is a sacred road length of 7 kilometers. The road laid out in 1435, and now it is often closed from strangers.

Sacred Way begins near the monument to Emperor Li Tszychenu and is an arch made of white marble. This arch built in 1540, it is the height of about 14 meters and a width of about 30. The actual path begins with two hexagonal stone columns, which are covered with intricate carvings depicting dragons.

On both sides of the road all along the way there are statues of people and animals: first lions, then sechzhi, camels, elephants, and zinnias. Then the horses and people - some military, ministers and officials. In ancient times it was believed that this process - the spirits enclosed in stone, that will serve the Emperor in heaven. Hence, the second name of the road - "The Way of the spirits." Sacred Way ends Heaven's Gate, both sides of which are phoenixes and dragons that symbolize power, strength and nobility.

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