Bachkovo Monastery
   Photo: Bachkovo Monastery

Bachkovo Monastery is located 29 km from Plovdiv and in scale, architectural, artistic and cultural value comparable to the famous Rila Monastery. Holy monastery laid in 1083, the Byzantine military commander of Georgian origin Grigoriy Bakuriani and his brother Abaza. Initially, the monastery monks were only Georgians. But in 1344, he came to power Tsar Ivan Alexander, appeared here and monks-Bulgarians. Bachkovo Monastery owned a large land and was very rich. The Turks destroyed the monastery, but by the end of the XVI century it was rebuilt.

The oldest building in the territory of the monastery - the church-tomb ("ossuary"), built around 1083. It is a rare example of Georgian architecture. The building exterior is decorated arcature. The church is famous for its frescoes XI and XIV centuries. We know the name of the author of more ancient murals - the inscription in Greek "the temple are painted from top to bottom hand John Zograf Iveropuletsa." In more recent paintings was influenced by the Tarnovo school of painting.

The ensemble of the monastery consists of Cathedral of the Assumption, the refectory and the church of St. Archangel and the Trinity; All these buildings date back to the beginning of the XVII century. And the church of St. Nicholas was built much later - in 1841. Her painted painter Zahari Zograf.

Of particular interest are the frescoes in the refectory of the monastery. It depicts the Greek philosopher Socrates, Diogenes, Aristotle, Sophocles and others. In the orthodox philosophy of these philosophers are considered pagans and their images are very rare.

The museum at the monastery are kept many gifts donated by the monastery at different times.

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