Arkhangelsk Solovetsky monastery courtyard
   Photo: Arkhangelsk Solovetsky monastery courtyard

The famous Solovetsky Monastery Arkhangelsk farmstead always historically connected with the process of founding of the city of Arkhangelsk, and c period of its establishment, it refers to the end of the 16th - early 17th centuries. In those days, Arkhangelsk is an old ancient fortress, and it was originally a farmstead in the area of ​​the citadel.

In 1637 there was a terrible fire, which resulted in burned almost all the castle buildings and courtyard itself has moved a little closer to the location of the market place, namely, the "Yuri zvoz." Arkhangelsk farmstead played the role of the economic epicenter in the city. It is known that in those days the Solovetsky monastery profited from the salt production, fishing, and he sent its products for sale in Arkhangelsk. Then, the monastery is very needed warehouses, housing and privately outlets.

In 1667 part of the monastery has consisted of four large wooden building, serving as the barn, cells and cloister. In 1729, there were seven large courtyard separate buildings, which served as the rectory chorus, administrative buildings, barns, cellars, baths and seven outlets.

Today is difficult to imagine the original appearance monastery and its location. It flared up a fire in 1733, 1745, 1793, respectively. Yet, given the recognized tradition to build new buildings on previously existing locations, it can be concluded that the location of the farmstead is in place, "St. George zvoza."

In 1797, for the needs of the monastery from a wealthy merchant Becker was acquired by a large stone house, which was located between the philistine house and postal office. These buildings were built according to the developed project is a stone house with small outlets at the bottom and living quarters at the top. Over time, the existing structure of the quarter, which are still standing buildings.

In the early 19th century farmstead Arkhangelsk receives stone buildings, and soon after buying a few urban areas. The last step in the formation of the whole complex was the beginning of the 19th century, when the planned construction of the church. Shopping in this place arrived a large number of representatives of the monastery's monks and worshipers, requiring a spacious room where you could make the church services and worship, but this building was not. Pilgrims and the brethren prayed before the face of Savvatii and Zosima of Solovki, which is on the wall in Kyoto.

In mid-1818 the Holy Synod decided to erect in the courtyard of the church, but the idea was not implemented, because the majority of priests urban churches felt completely superfluous this action, because the courtyard was near Christmas and Arkhangelsk churches. In 1920 a small chapel was built in the name Savvatii and Zosima, because that was rebuilt ground floor retail shops.

In the mid-19th century there was a radical replacement of old wooden structures on the stone. During the years 1851-1853 was built stone building on the Bank Lane. In 1865 we built a room "at the cellars", which was annexed to the east to the stone building management services.

The Church of St. Herman, Zosima and Savvatiy Solovetsky Arkhangelsk courtyard was consecrated in the autumn September 17, 1898. The temple was built three-headed and had a small bell tower above the entrance, which faces the waterfront Dvina. Not only the walls, but the ceiling of the church were artfully painted images of events from the life of saint Solovetsky saints. Icons and paintings of the temple, located in the iconostasis was made monastic icon painters under the supervision of elders - Flavian priesthood. The church iconostasis was made of oak, carved made and looked especially beautiful.

In 1920, Solovetsky courtyard closed and nationalized. In the autumn of 1922 all services have completely stopped. Arkhangelsk farmstead was restored in 1992, according to the blessing of Alexy II. To date, the rector of the Solovetsky monastery in Arkhangelsk is a monk Postolyako Stefan.

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