Mount Piz Badus
   Photo: Mount Piz Badus

Mount Piz Badus, also called Six Maduna, part of Gotthardskogo array reaches a height of 2928 meters above sea level, and through its top forms the border canton of Grisons and Uri. The unique geographical location allows you to mount, despite its not the biggest size, regarded as one of the best lookouts, which offers magnificent views of the surrounding area, as well as other mountains of the Swiss Alps.

Piz Badus is located on the watershed between the rivers Rhine and Front Royce. On the eastern side it ends in 1000-meter cliff into the valley Unteralp. From the northeast hillside lake washes Tomasi, is officially considered the source of the River Rhine. Water from the northern and eastern slopes of the creek flows into the Rhine and fog, and from the south in another tributary of the Rhine - Mayghelsreyn creek.

Badus The name comes from the Swiss Romansch language and literally means "crooked standing."

The first to climb the Piz Badus Benedictine priest tried Plasidus-a-Hurry and his companion Fintann Birhler. But Plasidus could reach the top. Despite its venerable orders, he was quite active climber and has extensive experience in climbing.

In our time, to reach the summit of Piz Badusa possible in three ways. The first starts from the hut Baduskhyutte, runs along Tomasi and leads on through the north-west ridge, the complexity of the route estimated value T4, in close proximity to the top of the lifting will need climbing equipment. The remaining two paths partially impassable and appropriate only for experienced climbers.

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