Gorno-Altai Botanical Garden
   Photos: Gorno-Altaisk Botanical Garden

Gorno-Altai Botanical Garden - this is one of the main natural attractions of the Altai Republic. The Botanical Garden is located 77 km from Gorno-Altaisk, near Chui tract at the confluence of the rivers Katun and Sam, in the natural monument of the Altai Republic - Tracts "Shishkular kata - Pure meadow."

The Botanical Garden was founded in 1994. In fact, to build infrastructure and create scientific potential, which has been recognized not only in the country but also abroad, it took several years. During this time, it has an extensive collection of decorative plants, an experimental platform for the study of new environmental technology, based on the ethnic traditions of the local indigenous peoples.

For 19 years, the collection of Gorno-Altaisk Botanical Garden enriched to more than 1530 species and varieties of plants from different regions of the country. Most of them have made "indigenous inhabitants". However, in the garden you can meet "guests" from the Far East and North America.

Particular interest to visitors are the botanical garden plants, now become rare. For example, according to the information scientists zubyanki Siberian reaches the age of one million years. Unique plant taiga and steppe zones represented in the exhibition, which includes more than a thousand species of cultivated and wild plants, as well as several endemic species. Scientists have often come to the Botanical Garden to conduct research.

Currently, the Gorno-Altaisk Botanical Garden presents the exhibition such as "dry creek", "Rock garden", "kitchen garden of aromatic", "Siberia. Europe "and others.

Visiting the garden, you can buy sprouts and seeds, medicinal products, souvenirs, and enjoy a delicious herbal cocktails. In 2003, the Botanical Garden was opened recreation "kata", which offers accommodation in cozy summer houses from a bar and a tour service.

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