Alexander Art Museum
   Photo: Alexander Art Museum

Alexander's Art Museum was established in 1989 in the Vladimir region is the only municipal art museum. The museum occupies the building that was built in the 19th century. These include an exhibition hall, which is located in one of the shopping malls buildings and manor complex, which once belonged to the family of the merchant Pervushina Alexei Mikhailovich.

Pervushin his mansion built in 1874, and in the early 20th century. it has been changed, probably by order of merchant heirs - his sons, Sergei and Nikolai and daughter Zinaida. The mansion was decorated in neoclassical style - quite fashionable at the time. Half-columns with Corinthian capitals, white stone stucco Empire style, a delightful two-storey terrace on the east side of the house, which resembles an Italian portico - all this makes the building one of the most beautiful in the city.

The house and most of his decorations have survived to our time and were refurbished museum. Restoration works are today. The museum staff recreated the interiors of the mansion in the tradition of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The fence of the estate has two gates. Next to the "upper" is the gate lodge. It reconstructed the interior of a peasant's hut with its characteristic objects of everyday life. For the manor house is located Cartwright. It hosts the exhibition "The Magic Stone", which is deservedly popular with museum visitors. Scene for a variety of entertainment programs is the so-called farmstead is part of the former parkland.

The exhibition hall of the museum is located in a building dating back to the second half of the 19th century. Large areas are halls for presentation to the visitors works of drawing, painting, arts and crafts. Here are exhibited works by local artists and recognized masters of Russian. It also has a "social art gallery."

On Lenin Street in the central library works exhibition "Museum of Labor Glory" and gallery artist veteran AM Koloskov. Based on the work of the museum of folk art studio, a club of artists, Local History Club.

Together with the museum community has developed several competitive programs aimed at patriotic and moral - aesthetic education of the younger generation, many of them received grants from the regional and Russian levels.

The museum's collection - it is a unique collection, which gives a full and informative presentation about the culture of Alexander and the Alexander area over a sufficiently long historical period of 19 - early 21 centuries. Here are collected the works of the Moscow and Vladimir school schedules, Vladimir painting, the works of world-famous Russian artists: Britova, Makovsky, Frantsuzova, Shemyakin, Andriyaka, Kazantsev, Kharlamov.

The museum houses a collection of sketches funds Manufactures Baranov pre-revolutionary period. Of particular historical-cultural significance are photos and documents, art works of pre-revolutionary period, related to the charitable activities of merchants Pervushin, teeth, Baranov. It houses collections that represent creative dynasty of artists Aleksandrov: Kets, Lavrovsky Zabironinyh and others.

In the scientific library Museum of Art Alexandrov - about 6 thousand. Units. It collected books on art history, types and genres of art, art history, museum studies, philosophy, literature and reference books. The museum has a reading room where visitors have the opportunity to work with literature. Gold fund of the library is represented by scientific and local history library, donated to the museum LS Stroganov. Among its unique editions and rare books - works Stromilova, Khmelevskiy Pogodin, Stroganov on the history of the Vladimir region, the history of the Russian state, the literature of the Soviet period, the various editions of Russian chronicles.

The museum regularly hosts themed intelligent game show films on local history and the artists Alexander lands. In addition the museum is engaged in publishing activities, conducts museum lessons, discussions, lectures, competitions for children.

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