Shipyard Tersane
   Photo: shipyard Tersane

One of the striking sights of Alanya is an old shipyard Tersane. This large building is situated on the beach, not far from the Red Tower. The shipyard is located on the well-lit place of the sun. It can be seen from far away from the sea. Here you can hide a fleet from intruders. Shipyard was one of the most reliable fleet outposts on the south coast.

Now the shipyard is an extensive design and has a very impressive size - fifty-six to forty-four meters, with five arched walkways in facing the sea deep gallery. The depth of these galleries is forty meters. It consists of five sections, whose length is 7, 7 meters.

Tersane is one of the numerous examples of the monumental building of the Seljuks, which is famous for Alania. Its construction was started ruler Alladin Keykubat. The shipyard was built in 1228, seven years after he conquered the city and two years after the construction Kızılkule. Shipyard was built in one year. It was built for the construction of new ships and repair old Sultan. By building this structure, the sultan finally realized his dream and became the "Sultan of the two seas" and prevent potential enemy attack from the east.

On the territory of the shipyard can be seen outbuildings and a small mosque to the left of the entrance. The front door of the shipyard affixed, Emblazoned sultan Aladdin Keykubat. In one of the chambers has dokovskih dry well. Also there is room for workers. Tersane until 1361 was valid. Currently, this shipyard - a popular tourist destination.

Medieval shipyard Tersane at the present time is a marina for vessels of small size. In the evening illumination lights are everywhere, which gives it a festive look pretty strict structures. If you rent a small fishing boat in the adjacent blocks, then you can see the shipyard to the sea.

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