   Photo: Laertes

Laertes - a picturesque village situated twenty kilometers from Alanya and one hundred and twenty kilometers from Antalya Airport. This historic city, which, according to legend, was founded by Claudius, located at the foot of one of the highest peaks in the vicinity of Jebel Iresh at 900 meters and is surrounded by an abyss from the west, east and south.

The name of this city means "Great ruins" or "Big Church". At the site of the ruins, still referred to as "Ruins of ancient Lartey" were once churches, baths, fountains, a small theater, the stadium, the street with columns, temples, baths, tanks and various housing and sacred buildings. On the south side of the stadium the remains of the church with an apse and nave, preserved in the interior traces of light blue and red colored frescoes. Here you can also find a great number of inscriptions and figural sculpture, which depicted the head of an ox, and an eagle's claws. All these remains of ancient civilizations, unwittingly carry deep in history. If you believe the remaining inscriptions, the state, is located in this area is undergoing its dawn somewhere between the first and third centuries. Among the temples built here to the present day came, those who belonged to Caesar, Zeus and Apollo.

Ruins Laertesa are numerous cluster of monuments of Byzantine and Roman periods, which attract the attention of a huge number of tourists who are not indifferent to the history and want to touch the ancient world. The road that leads to the town, pass through the banana gardens, which gives the town a special flair. Once here, many wonder how harmoniously intertwined here modern buildings and ancient ruins.

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