Archaeological Museum
   Photo: Archaeological Museum

The Turkish city of Alanya has a rich history, and proof of this is the exposition of the Municipal Museum. The museum was built in 1967, but the number of items it regularly increases, and the artifacts collection is constantly updated. On the territory of the Turkish state is constantly being excavated, so a large number of artifacts waiting for their turn to get into the permanent exhibition. Museum staff often travel to historic sites to evaluate the findings. Quite often, the museum specialists working with foreign archaeologists for a more thorough analysis of priceless and historically significant things.

The museum building has an unusual structure and consists of one external and Fourteen domestic showrooms. The exposition of the museum is a collection of artifacts of historical periods, as the Phrygian, Lydian, Greek and Byzantine. At the entrance to the museum in the huge windows exhibited architectural monuments of the Bronze Age, such states as Phrygia, Urartu, Lydia, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece and Byzantium. In the big hall of the museum Byzantine and Roman products, in baked clay, glass, bronze and marble, writing in the language of the principality Karamanids mosaic 7-5 centuries BC

In the hall of archeology is the oldest exhibit Archaeological Museum - a stone with an inscription in Phoenician language dating back to 625 BC No less historically valuable finds Alanya Museum are tombstones made in the first century BC and fragments of ancient inscriptions.

The most valuable exhibit is the Archaeological Museum - the statue of Hercules, the hero of ancient myths and legends, well known to this day. He was cast in bronze in the second century BC and today is in a separate room. Sculpture height 51, 5 centimeters was found in 1967 in the mountain village of Asartepe that is in the north-east of Alanya. Historians believe that the monument was brought here by pirates which prevailed in the mountainous Cilicia, as a trophy with the robbery of the ship, or from any location. Sculpture affects the high skill of the author, to make it. Very realistic muscles of the body are made, plausibly depict hair and beard man, his face is so vivid expression that surprises even sophisticated audience. Looking at the sculpture of Hercules, you can feel his fatigue committed deeds and satisfaction of another victory, felt the full force of it.

The highlight of the archaeological museum of Alanya is an extensive exposition of the so-called vessels of ash .  These findings relate to the Byzantine and Roman periods, they are made in the form of a sarcophagus, and their covers are shaped like a saddle .  On the broad walls of blood vessels applied various patterns, floral garlands, figures of rider, somewhere between the patterns are visible images of male and female faces, and some vessels even found ancient Greek inscriptions .  Vessels arranged in the museum building and garden .  They are made of limestone, in a large number in existence in Alanya, and are associated with existing here in ancient times the custom of burial .  The craggy rocks of this area is very difficult to dig up the ground, so the locals burned the body of the deceased, and his ashes were placed in special vessels .  The burning of the deceased was a testimony of respect for him, besides the rite guaranteed immortality is not only dead, but also to all his relatives .

Among the exhibits of the museum has a large collection of coins, which are artifacts of the Hellenistic period, Byzantine, Roman, Ottoman and Seljuk Empires; There are coins of the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey. The museum has an interesting collection of Ottoman-era weapon (bow, gun, arrows, swords). One of the attractions of the museum - the handwritten text of the Holy Quran.

Ethnographic artifacts era of Ottoman and Seljuk devoted the second half of the museum is interesting to see the old house part of the time, recreated as a result of excavations in Alanya and its environs. Archaeologists had to disassemble the structure into separate parts to take to the museum and has collected in the museum, in accordance with the drawings.

The museum building is impossible to place all the exhibits, so some of them are exhibited in the garden. Here are exhibited vintage clothing, carpets of nomads, ancient weapons, ornaments, original embroidery and many other examples of local culture, collected at different times in the region. A collection of stone Byzantine, Roman and Islamic periods. Here it is possible to estimate the fine examples of the local art of woodcarving, hand-made oriental carpets enjoy decorating the previous home of the Turks. In the courtyard of the museum recreated press for pressing grapes and other agricultural machinery.

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