Alanya Castle
   Photo: Alanya Castle

Alanya Castle is considered to be the hallmark of the city, represents its ancient history, but also a reminder of how difficult and bloody was the historical past of Turkey. The fortress is one of the largest and most majestic of the many other in the country. It highlights the fact that it is the most well-preserved to this day.

The fortress consists of one hundred and forty towers, surrounded by walls with an unusual graceful ornament. They build the walls of the large boulders that are bonded with a special heavy-duty solution "Khorasan" by which the walls were resistant to cannon fire from guns. The length of the wall around the perimeter of the entire castle is more than six kilometers. The walls themselves have built towers that are equipped with drain holes hot tar on the besiegers. In the fortress, there are the underground waters in the amount of about four. Gateway to form arches with preserved ancient runes, flanking fortified entrances, still are models of ancient architecture. All inputs have been assigned to individual titles - lower, upper, middle, cold, bent, and the Secret Gate Warriors, and they were designed primarily to communicate with the outside world.

The fortress was constructed various buildings, and each had its own function: the sultan's winter palace, a building for military exercises, naval shipyard vessels, accommodation, a mosque, houses and tents for trade, bath as well as a place for executions by dropping sentenced a cliff . Also in the fortress there is the old monastery and church, as well as the old mint.

The most impressive building is the Red Tower. It was built in 1226 by architect ancient Halepli Ebu Ali. Externally the tower is quite simple, but the inner construction plan shows the great skill of the creator. Red Tower restoration took place in the 50-ies of the 20 st. and currently operates as a museum, which presents the works of folk art.

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